Sunday, November 6, 2011

Couple of movie reviews

I recently watched Inglourious Basterds .... I know the expression, I know its quite late. But then this is one of the kind of movies, I enjoy watching.
The movie has different languages and actually quite a bit of it is in other languages. I think that makes the movie more expressive. Whether it is the starting scene where Waltz explains the difference in thinking of a German Soldier and the Jews or the shoot out scene in the hotel , the foreign language is what makes the movie more interesting and worth watching.
I think the lesser I write the better it is , because whether it is Tarantino's script or Waltz's acting, you will find quite a bit of talk on the internet. It seems Tarantino planned the script for close to 10 years.
But this is one movie worth watching multiple times.

I also watched a remake of one of the best English movies - AFGM.This was in Hindi.  Its called Shaurya. Now anybody who has watched AFGM will realize this is a remake of it, within the first half hour. But then I still felt like continuing to watch it.
The story is adapted quite well for Indian Environment. Demi moore's role is modified to be a Journalist and the incident happens at the India Pak Border and the issue and the story chosen is very well suited for the Indian environment.
I do not like the idea of remakes, I usually dont watch any, but this one was a exception. I cannot attribute it to the movie wholly, I was alone at home and that added to my interest.
That all for now!!!

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